TLS - Tanning Lotion Supply
Photoshop, Magento, Newsletters, After Effects
Project description
Tanning Lotion Supply is an online store selling, well…tanning lotions! 😀
These small projects were my first freelance experience in the US, my first experience with Magento and with MailChimp (an online application for launching newsletters)
TLS sells lotions of many many brands which I had to visit online and copy images of their products and their logos and cut them from the background so I’ll have material for my works.
About every 2 weeks there was a different promotion for which I needed to create a newsletter
Then I would go to the site’s Magento and create the specific promotion, in this case it’s an item automatically added to the user’s shopping cart once it passes $100.
I made a short clip for TLS, It’s from a template but still needed to cut the images and the different logos and save as PNG files with transparency and also added sound (the finger snap sound) to the video in After Effects. Came out pretty nice – check it out: